Monday, April 21, 2008

May Selections for Voting...

Hello Ladies of Lit!

Here are my (Sharon's) selections for our May reading:

Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky--novel set in WWII France, written by a French/Jewish woman who died in Aushwitctz. Recently translated into the English.

The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory--novel about a 14 year old girl competing for the love of Henry the VIII.

Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley--classic novel that's actually a bit of a love story and a study of character.

All of these books can be found at the library and at Barnes and Noble. If you want more complete descriptions, go to Remember, you may vote by posting comments.



Tiana said...

Other Boleyn Girl gets my vote

Unknown said...

Our library system has all three books--although only two copies of Suite Francaise which has been read by about 100 folks here.

My vote is for:
1) Frankenstein
2) The Other Boleyn Girl

Happy reading--Coral
PS: But I'm not starting anything new until I finish Fear.

jaiba21 said...

The Boleyn Girl

Titus Family Literary Group said...

The Other Boleyn Girl wins! Thank you everyone for voting. Don't forget to finish The Gift of Fear.