Monday, April 21, 2008

May Selections for Voting...

Hello Ladies of Lit!

Here are my (Sharon's) selections for our May reading:

Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky--novel set in WWII France, written by a French/Jewish woman who died in Aushwitctz. Recently translated into the English.

The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory--novel about a 14 year old girl competing for the love of Henry the VIII.

Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley--classic novel that's actually a bit of a love story and a study of character.

All of these books can be found at the library and at Barnes and Noble. If you want more complete descriptions, go to Remember, you may vote by posting comments.


April discussion

So have any of you finished The Gift of Fear yet?? I haven't quite finished it, but am close. I really liked the chapters on dating violence and how to spot it and on assasins. I found it useful and fascinating. I know I'm never going to come face to face with an assasin or anything, but it's just interesting to know the psychology behind crime. Any thoughts?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New Selections and Processes

Hi All,

The non-fiction seems to be an unpopular choice with some people who shall remain nameless (ahem!)...So it seems to me that we need to come up with a book selection process. We could come up with a selection pool of books and then vote on some. We could assign a person to choose and alternate each month on who chooses. We could select both a fiction and non-fiction book to read each month...but then that makes it pressing on those of us who have little time to sit down and read. Let me know your ideas for choosing books each month and which ones you'd like to read and what you'd like to discuss. Happy Reading!
