Tuesday, September 30, 2008

October Book Selections for Voting

Hello All,

Welcome Back to October's edition. Ron has been added to our book club. We'd like to welcome him to our circle of the web. To give him a warm welcome, he is selecting our books to vote on for this month. They are:

Well-behaved Women Seldom Make History, by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich; made famous the title phrase; stories of 3 notable women with some other anecdotes thrown in. Should be a fun read.

Little Heathens: Hard Times and High Spirits on an Iowa Farm During the Great Depression by Mildred Armstrong Kalish; story of Pa, told from a girl's perspective.

The Regency Underworld, by Donald A. Low; a description of the London criminal milieu in the early 1800s; supposed to be really good; informative, and a ready contrast to today and other times.

Ron Titus
Adjunct Director of Scholarly Reading
Wiley College
711 Wiley Ave.
Marshall, TX 75670
(903) 923-2462

Thanks Ron! Everyone just put in your votes by posting a comment...Stay tuned for our discussion on The 5 People You Meet in Heaven!


Unknown said...

Little Heathens has my vote ...since it's the only one we've got in the library system. I believe I own the Regency Underworld (but then again maybe not) and I think I've used it for research.
Now, Ron, next time don't go ALL non-fiction... OK?
Love to you all--Coral

jaiba21 said...

I vote Little Heathens

*runs off to finish 5 People You Meet in Heaven*

Tiana said...

I'm a little apprehensive about the Heathens as I am afraid it will be a throw back to Grapes of Wrath, which as I recall wasn't a pleasant read. So, I'm a little torn between that and the one on women. Maybe it's time to get a different perspective on the great plains and their trials.
So, I guess I will go with the Heathens also.

Unknown said...

I first wanted the Women-making-history one, but, alas, not only am I tied to the Library, but am also under the thumb of the Librarian! :-) So let me throw in an enthusiastic vote for Little Heathens! -Ron